Feelings Collection Protocol
I have ALL THE FEELS for this collection!
My daily routine for the last week has been changed up to include these six oils and my emotions are so much better for it!
Fact --> I straight up did *not* buy into the whole oils & emotions thing at first. I thought it was a joke.
What's funny is that the oil that really drew me into using oils was Stress Away. I was dealing with anxiety and panic attacks, and that little bottle became a refuge every night.
Even having felt the incredible calm Stress Away brought on, I just couldn't accept that feelings and oils belonged together.
Until I learned a little fact.
"Research at New York University proved the amygdala gland (the gland in the limbic system of the brain that stores and releases trauma in the body) does not respond to sound, sight, or touch, but ONLY releases emotional trauma through the sense of SMELL." (From Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils by Carolyn Mein)
Also, here's a little bit of info that really expanded my thinking:
New research has shown emotional responses and fears may be inherited biologically through chemical changes that occur in DNA.
During tests, mice passed on learned information about traumatic or stressful experiences to subsequent generations. (From Nat Nuerosci, 2014 Jan; 17(1) 89-96)
“Clearly we ALL need this. ”
This collection comes with six very carefully selected and blended oils all in one incredible kit to use for 30 days in a row to restore balance and peace in your emotions!
VALOR | an empowering blend for courage and balance
HARMONY | to support balance all your energy centers
FORGIVENESS | to help release hurtful memories
RELEASE | facilitates the release of anger and hurt
PRESENT TIME | so you can more easily be in the now
INNER CHILD | encourages reconnecting with your authentic self and may stimulate the memory response
I have been applying these per the Feelings Protocol every day for the last week and have already felt an incredible shift. My highs are lower, and my lows are higher. Everything is just a little more smoothed out!
I’ve noticed that the couple days I forgot to do it after my morning shower, I could tell! I was so much more irritated and down when I forgot. That is how drinking NingXia Red was for me at first. I loved the way I felt when I used it, but I *really* noticed how great it made me feel when I went without and felt blah.
People have a tendency to carry around a whole lot of extra emotional baggage. This protocol helps us gently let go of all of that. If you're ready to jump in and start feeling more balanced emotionally, get your Feelings Kit and find a cozy, quiet place.
You may want to grab this free printable of the feelings protocol to keep with your kit!
For each blend we apply, we will say an affirmation. It's all about intention. When we say an affirmation as we apply our oil, we are putting an intention into the action to release or gain something. As we repeat the affirmation over several applications, we will create a scent memory and start to associate that oil with the intention we set. Over time we can actually create a new belief system in our mind that moves us toward a positive emotional state. This new belief system can eventually override old, destructive belief systems and patterns that are holding us back in life.
Alright, you've got your printout, a quiet place, and your oils. Let's do this thing!
VALOR was formulated to balance energies and instill courage, confidence, and self-esteem. It helps support the body in self-correcting balance and alignment. It is the ultimate primer for using any other emotional oil.
A BLEND OF: Black Spruce, Camphor Wood, Blue Tansy, Frankincense, Geranium
> Aggression
> Defensiveness
> Fear of Conflict
> Inability to Cope
> Losing a battle
> Persecuted
> Resignation
> Withdrawn
(per the book Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils)
Apply Valor to the bottom of your feet and shoulders, then cup over your mouth and breath in deeply while saying aloud or thinking your affirmation.
We are all meant to have balance and harmony throughout our body. We have seven energy centers in our body, which can become unbalanced when we are experiencing negative emotions. When this happens, we are more susceptible to illness and to more negativity.
HARMONY was formulated to create a harmonic balance for the energy centers of the body. This helps bring us into harmony with all things, people, and cycles of life, It is beneficial in reducing stress, amplifying well-being, and dissipating feelings of discord. It is also uplifting and elevating to the mind, creating a positive attitude.
A BLEND OF: Sacred Sandalwood, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Orange, Angelica, Geranium, Hyssop, Spanish Sage, Coriander, Bergamot, Lemon, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, Palmarosa, Rose
>Being ignored
> Crushed
> Hostility
> Fear of punishment/Beating self up
> Sarcastic
(per the book Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils)
Apply to the seven energy centers of the body as you think or say your affirmation. These centers are the tailbone, 2" below the belly button, 2" above the belly button, over the heart, the throat or back of the neck, the forehead, and the crown (top of head).
Wondering about this whole "energy center" thing? It can sound pretty out there at first. Learn more about the science of frequencies and energy in our bodies HERE.
Forgiveness doesn't excuse their behavior. It prevents their behavior from destroying your heart. It's a gift you give yourself. Lack of forgiveness doesn't harm the other person, but it does make us sick. To forgive is an act of self-love.
FORGIVENESS has a high electrical frequency that helps release hurt feelings and negative emotions so one can forgive, let go, and move on!
A BLEND OF: Melissa, Geranium, Frankincense, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Coriander, Angelica, Lavender, Bergamot, Lemon, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, Palmarosa, Rose
> Betrayal
> Distrust
> Repeating the past
> Self-denial
(per the book Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils)
Apply a drop or two to your belly button and massage in a clockwise motion while saying or thinking your affirmation.
1. Forgive yourself for allowing the other person to affect your health and happiness.
2. Forgive the other person for any hurt or harm they may have caused you. (This doesn't need to be done in their presence, as this is an inner-adjustment on your part.)
3. Give the other person permission to forgive you.
4. See the good in the situation.
5. Be thankful for the experience and the wisdom you gained from it.
Most of our organs are connected to an emotion. The liver is connected to anger.Negative energy goes into the blood and then to the liver for cleansing, where toxins can be trapped. Thus, the liver becomes a storage place for anger, resentment, bitterness, hatred, jealousy, envy, addictions, and a host of destructive emotions.
RELEASE is a helpful blend to release anger and memory trauma from the liver in order to create emotional well-being. It helps open the subconscious mind to release deep-seated emotion. It is one of the most powerful emotionally supporting essential oil blends.
A BLEND OF: Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Geranium, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Grapefruit, Tangerine, Spearmint, Lemon, Blue Cypress, Davana, Kaffir Lime, Ocotea, Jasmine, Matricaria, Blue Tansy, Rose
> Dejection
> Fear of success
> Holding Back
> Loss of Identity
> Love being conditional
> Rebellion
> Wrong
(per the book Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils)
Freedom comes from being at peace, rather than harboring negative emotions. Knowing that negativity can be stored in the liver causing issues with your health and well-being, it is important to release negativity intentionally.
Rub Release over your liver area and be sure to follow with extra water to assist in detoxing the body of toxic emotions while saying or thinking your affirmation.
The majority of people are unaware of the correlation between their anger and the effect it has on their liver because they don’t understand the depth of the connection. The state of the liver is actually fundamental to how we will feel the emotion, which could directly shape how we will act or react to what life dishes out.
By adding lemon vitality to our water each day, we aid in a gentle detox. Also, doing the Cleansing Trio once or twice a year can help to clear out negativity you may be storing.
When we live in the past or dwell on the future, we are not being productive in the present. A world of opportunities presents itself when we can live in the now. Being present is a skill that we can improve upon through practice. Set aside 5 minutes each day, apply or diffuser your Present Time and/or Frankincense, and sit quietly with your breath. Thoughts or ideas will come up and when they do you can just acknowledge them and release them. As you practice this, you'll find it easier and easier to find a quiet mind and peace in the moment.
PRESENT TIME is an empowering blend that creates a feeling of being in the moment. Disease develops when we live in the past with regret. Being in the present time is key to progressing and moving forward.
A BLEND OF: Neroli, Ylang Ylang, Spruce
> Flustered
> Illusion
> Loss
> Malice
> Repressed or Stuffed Emotion
> Resistance to Change
(per the book Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils)
Apply to the wrist and behind the ears OR over the throat while saying or thinking your affirmation. Trust your intuition in deciding which way to apply.
We are all born knowing exactly who we are. As we have negative experiences or traumatic events happen, we can lose parts of ourselves. Feelings of shame and confusion surface as a result and can be a great hindrance in adolescence and into adulthood. In fact, this is often what leads to a midlife crisis. Inner Child can help you access your creativity and your inner child and authentic self. It can also be very helpful for children who have had a troubled past or who are going through a difficult time emotionally.
INNER CHILD may stimulate memory response, helping one reconnect with their true identity. This is an essential step to achieving emotional balance.
A BLEND OF: Orange, Tangerine, Ylang Ylang, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Jasmine, Lemongrass, Spruce, Bitter Orange, Neroli
> Betrayal
> Distrust
> Repeating the past
> Self-denial
(per the book Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils)
Apply one drop of Inner Child around the navel and under the nose while saying or thinking your affirmation.
After you finish the final step in the protocol, allow yourself some time to relax and unwind. Be gentle with yourself as you shift into a new normal emotionally. If you feel like you need to do this protocol multiple times throughout the day, feel free! I've done it 3-4 times on occasion.
You may or may not feel big dramatic shifts all of a sudden. Whether you do or you don't, it's okay. Some people slowly relax into a new state one day at a time, while others experience a big release some days. Either way, by following this protocol every day for 30 days, you will be able to make some big changes in a gentle way.
Also, you may consider keeping a journal of your thoughts, emotions, and experiences as you go through the process. It's amazing how in hindsight we can truly see just how far we've come.
Happy oiling, friends! Here's to feeling our absolute best and operating at our highest potential!