Essential Oils & Frequency
Okay, friends. Let’s up the FREQUENCY of our discussions on FREQUENCY around here. No, it’s not woo-woo! It’s physics and it's game-changing info to understand. I know it’s a word that can cause eyes to glaze over, but we’re gonna change that cause it’s SUPER awesome!
“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philsophy. This is physics. ”
Albert knows y'all. He knows. So, everything has a frequency and that includes essential oils. Understanding what that means will help us truly grasp the power that these drops contain.
WHAT IS FREQUENCY? Frequency is the measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between two points. Again, everything has frequency.
WHAT DOES THE FREQUENCY MEAN? The state of our health and well-being is directly affected by the frequency of our body, and our frequency is affected by the frequency of the things we come in contact with.
Essential oil frequencies have a wide range from 46 MHz up to 580 MHz. Healthy people have a smaller range and our bodies function well between 62-72MHz. Disease begins at 58 MHz. Each organ and part of our body operates at it’s own frequency and each responds to other frequencies in their own way. For example, your heart resonates at a different frequency than your skin or your bones. Using a wide array of essential oils with varying frequencies can help support ALL the systems of your body.
- 71-90 MHz | Brain
- 62-68 MHz | Thyroid and Parathyroid
- 65-68 MHz | Thymus Gland
- 67-70 MHz | Heart
- 58-65 MHz | Lungs
- 55-60 MHz | Liver
- 58-65 MHz | Stomach
- 60-80 MHz | Pancreas
- 50-63 MHz | Colon
- 47-580 MHz | Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils
- 62-72 MHz | Healthy human body
- 58 MHz |Human body with cold symptoms
- 57 MHz | Human body with flu symptoms
- 42 MHz | Human body with cancer
- 25 MHz | Human body beginning to die
- 20-27 MHz | Fresh Herbs
- 12-22 MHz | Dry herbs
- 10-15 MHz | Fresh produce
- 0 MHz | Processed or canned foods
Because our vulnerability to disease increases as our frequency decreases, understanding some different factors that can affect our frequency is important.
- Focusing on uplifting news or positivity
- Giving or Receiving prayer or good thoughts
- Rest
- Good nutrition and plenty of water
- Fresh air
- Using high-frequency essential oils
- Stress or focus on negativity or fears
- Drinking coffee
- An acidic diet
- Lack of sleep
- Unhealthy food choices (processed foods, sugar, etc)
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Feeling or being exposed to negative emotions, stress, anxiety
These are just some examples. The choices we make every day directly impact our frequency. Our body systems each respond to different frequencies. By using high quality essential oils with varying frequencies, and making wise lifestyle choices, we can affect our body’s frequencies so that it can be equipped to handle the day-to-day as well as seasons of additional immune stressors.
I’ll leave you with a list of some of our favorite essential oils and their frequencies. Grab some and use them! Diffuse, apply and enjoy.
- 580 MHz Idaho Blue Spruce
- 320 MHz Rose
- 181 MHz Helichrysum
- 150 MHz Thieves
- 147 MHz Frankincense
- 124 MHz Ravintsara
- 118 MHz Lavender
- 112 MHz PanAway
- 105 MHz Myrrh
- 102 MHz Acceptance
- 98 MHz Sandalwood
- 78 MHz Peppermint
- 75 MHz R.C.
- 64 MHz AromaSiez
- 56 MHz Relieve It
- 52 MHz Basil
- 48 MHz Melrose
- 46 MHz Purification