You'll be taking nice deep breaths as you diffuse this one!

For those days when you need a whole lotta "check, check, check, and check" action to be happening on your to-do list, but you also want to be nice to be around.

Staying above the wellness line can smell amazing!

Life is busy. There are lots of things to do and we need energy and chill all at once. Oils have you covered!

New seasons come with exciting and not-so-exciting changes. This is your perfect companion for entering into new seasons with a clear head!

Meditation, Prayer, and yoga reach new levels with this blend, which supports relaxation, and spiritual growth.

Diffuse this starting 30 minutes or so before bed and enjoy melting into a deep, rejuvinating sleep.

Bad smells stand zero chance against this blend.

When there is much to be done or your mind is wandering, pop this one in the diffuser.

This one gives me the same feeling as the first time you can throw the windows open and let the breeze in. Cool, crisp, renewing, deep breaths!

We all overindulge every now and then...

Clean air never smelled so good!

Instant chill. You're welcome!

My kids stand over the diffuser licking at the air when I put this one in. It's *that* good!

Some say this smells like a cinnamon roll, others say it's a snickerdoodle... either way, it smells like freshly baked goodness without the guilt!

School work is so much easier when the kids focus and have a pleasant mood! That's a tall order, but this one sure seems to help! It's great for adults, too, of course!

Beast mode. Increase your oxygen intake and performance!

Gentle, soothing and relaxing. Night, night, little one!

Calming to the mind, energizing to the body and supportive in awakening your spirituality, this blend is the perfect yoga companion.

Like a warm blanket wrapped around your shoulders.

Life is better when the tummy is happy!

Sleep is the best medicine and this is the best for wellness-supporting sleep!

No shame in that game. Sometimes we take things just a wee bit too far... and then we drop this in the diffuser.

Have you ever gotten something off your chest and it feels like a weight has been lifted? Use this one as you sit and lean into those emotions and thoughts that have you down... you may just find the laod lightening!

A healthy home is a happy home! Be happy!