WHAT ARE ESSENTIAL OILS? The lifeblood of the plant.

WHO SHOULD USE ESSENTIAL OILS? Everyone and their dog (literally).

WHY DO YOU USE ESSENTIAL OILS? condensed version of story here leading to full story page click through

HOW DO THEY WORK? They support every system and body function by cleansing, oxygenating and regenerating our cells.

HOW DO I USE THEM? Aromatically, topically and internally.

WHY IS YOUNG LIVING DIFFERENT? I'm so glad you asked! TONS of reasons. Here are my top few:

  • The oils are beyond organic (peace of mind!)
  • They own their own farms and distilleries and allow visitors to see and take part in the entire process (transparency is huge)
  • In a nearly unregulated industry, YL sets the standards for quality
  • They have been the industry leader for over 20 years
  •  You can find TONS more information at www.seedtoseal.com

ARE THEY SAFE? I feel 100% comfortable using them on my entire family from newborn on up and even used them during pregnancy, but I always encourage others to do their own research.

IS IT WORTH BECOMING A MEMBER? Absolutely, yes! Young Living is the easy button for living a clean lifestyle! You get 24% off and can even opt-in to a subscription wellness box that earns you up to 25% back as you stock your home with toxin-free products for your home and save yourself a trip to the store! Target has never offered me that.

OKAY, BUT DOES IT MATTER WHO I GET STARTED THROUGH? Yep. Sure does! Our tribe is full of encouraging, like-minded people that openly share ideas, inspiration and wisdom that is invaluable. We also offer classes and tons of individual support that you can't get just anywhere.

SOUNDS AMAZING! HOW DO I BEGIN? I'm so excited for you!